
Showing posts from May, 2023

My top five self hosted application

I have always loved self-hosted servers. You learn a lot of your craft by managing your own set of applications. You get to troubleshoot setups, identify gaps and even improve server resilience. Besides, they make for a nice free alternative to paid online services. One immediate benefit of self-hosted applications is you don't need an internet connection. It is possible to access them from within the home network with no connectivity. If you do need to access them from outside, there are tons of services available for that in both free and paid tiers. Maybe we'll cover them in another post. On a small note, self-hosted applications aren't for everyone. And they aren't suitable for every purpose. I read this post once where the author went through painstaking steps to set up their mail server. But that's nowhere as reliable as any other online e-mail service provider. Self-hosted is usually a fruit of passion and not commercially viable. That being said, let's l