
Showing posts from 2015

Piping Twitter Feed into your Terminal!

Alright, this is a very cool technique of displaying your twitter feed in your terminal. Along with display, this application called 't' can also post new tweets, replies, retweets(basically everything you do on twitter from a normal browser). Here is a picture of my twitter feed. $ t stream timeline So how to do this? Here are a few steps to be followed on a Ubuntu system(or any Debian-based system) Open up your terminal and type : sudo apt-get install ruby-dev Next, install the application 't' by typing the following : gem install t Go to  and register your application. Enter all details. Go to  and select your newly registered application. Click on Permissions tab and Select Read, Write and Access. Save your settings. Now, switch back to your terminal and authorize the application. t authorize This will open up your browser where you are asked to sign-in into your twitter